The American Doctor Who

If the U.S.A. had a Doctor Who, he couldn’t travel around in a police box all the time. He’d need a time machine that blended in better with the American landscape. Something that that can be plopped almost anywhere and no one would question it. On our walk this weekend, Tom and I found it:

Yes, there was “Dr. Poo” jokes, of course. And, I used the word “plopped” on purpose in the earlier sentence. Our Doctor Who would have an even harder time convincing people to accompany him, but can you deny that this must be his means of conveyance?

I googled “Doctor Who porta-potty” to see if there’s been anything else written about it, and I found this, which uses the more classy pun “Doctor Loo.” And poor Matt Smith. It’s bad enough having to use a porta-potty, much less having photographers waiting for you to emerge from one.

Maybe the “FARTIS” instead of the “TARDIS”? The FARTIS was unoccupied, so that means our Doctor and his companion were probably investigating the alien race that invented split-level houses, because that neighborhood is filled with them.

The All-New Super Friends Round Up S2 Ep1B

Season 2, Episode 1, Storyline B – “Joy Ride”

Original Airdate: September 10, 1977

Short Synopsis: Two teens decide to take a plane for a joy ride. Not just any plane, but a plane whose engine could go out at any moment. Corky, the instigator, is 10 hours away from earning his license. Once in the air Corky decides to “have some fun with the local beach bums.” Two of those bums are the Wonder Twins. Yadda yadda yadda, everything turns out fine.

Ladies and Gentleman, May I Present to You
The Wonder Twins were new characters. They didn’t show up in the comics until after the first few episodes of the All-New Hour aired. When introducing new characters, you really should make a great first impression. This is the first time we ever see Jayna and Zan in action:

And, our introduction to Gleek:

Obviously, super heroes who are to be taken very seriously.

It just seems overly complicated.
Let’s briefly discuss how the Wonder Twins get from point A to point B:
Step 1 – They bump fists and say “Wonder Twins power, activate!” (which we know is just a bad habit and not necessary).
Step 2 – Jayna becomes an eagle, Zan becomes purple water.
Step 3 – Zan, able to control the shape and movement of the water he’s become, jumps into a bucket, which they must have to lug everywhere they go.
Step 4 – Gleek holds bucket with Zan-water in it and Jayna flies around with Gleek in her talons, see here:

I’m not one to mess with perfection, because this is, somehow, perfect. But, can I just say, that the idea that the twins not only have to transform into very narrow areas (animal and freakin’ water), that they have to both do it at the same time is really a special touch. What’s that, Zan? You don’t want to be an ice cube? Well, too bad, Jayna needs to turn into a ring tailed lemur.

Other facts to know about The Wonder Twins:
1.    Jayna can still talk, even if she’s an eagle. And she doesn’t say “I want to eat some salmon,” she says stuff that Jayna would want to say.
2.    Zan can also talk as water – the water sloshes out of the bucket when he’s talking. Rude.
3.    When he’s a larger body of water, his face shows up to chat (to Jayna, in the form of a pterodactyl).

It’s De-coder Time!
After the Wonder Twins story, Superman shows up and tells us kids he’s going to give us clues to a secret word, a word that will be very important in the next story. Then, he grabs a cloud and starts turning it into a “picture clue.” All we have to do is remember this clue and put it together with the next one.


Tune in next week for the next story, which I assume is going to involve things that children shouldn’t be seeing.

If you would like to see these shenanigans for yourself, Season 2 is available on DVD.

P.S. If you want to read even more philosophical musings about The Wonder Twins and Gleek, here’s an entry on the great Point Counter-Point Point Point.

Here’s a picture of a dog stacked on another dog because I don’t have much going on right now and don’t want to turn my brain on.

The dog on the bottom is Milo, a former foster dog. He’s a puggle – a pug/beagle mix. They are insane. In a good way, but they are just nuts. That spot he’s lying in is Ed’s spot. Ed is a really good dog – he doesn’t cause trouble unless absolutely necessary, but he also holds his ground and is incredibly headstrong. Since Milo was in Ed’s spot, Ed spent a good amount of time sitting on the floor trying to stare a hole through Milo. When that didn’t work, he decided to just jump up there. Usually, this works perfectly because Jenkins, our other dog, is a big wuss and will move to give Ed his spot. But, this was Milo, who doesn’t mind direct contact (Jenkins likes his personal space), and is nutty in a “I don’t care, you can sit on my head” kind of way. So there they sat, Milo on the couch and Ed on Milo, each unwilling to compromise. I feel like there’s a life lesson or an analogy in there somewhere, but I’m not really concerned with what it could be because I just find the picture funny. That one dog is sitting on that other dog’s head, heh heh.

The end.

P.S. WordPress is being all weird and not doing what I ask it to – it’s like it knows I’m trying to post a phoned in blog entry. If I were currently drunk I would slur “shuttupwordpress, I’ll do what’s best for me cause I know what’s best, go back to pressing your words and I’ll worry about mene” (that’s a combination of “mine” and “me”). So, if this post is lost when I hit Publish, well, ok, I guess that’s for the best.

P.P.S. My wireless mouse died and I have no patience for the trackpad or whatever it thinks it’s called. Thus, I can’t do stuff I want to do like copy and paste and photoshop a picture of a makeup bag. So you get this. And I know in the grand scheme of things this is really not a problem. People who don’t have fingers to even use trackpads have it much worse. I’m sorry.

P.P.S.2  I told you in the title that I wasn’t going to turn my brain on so if you’re reading this far down it’s pretty much your own fault. Ha ha ha, I laugh at you!

No Renovating

Tom rides MARTA every day to work. MARTA is Atlanta’s public transportation system. He noticed this sign recently and took a picture. It’s one of my favorite things right now. If I feel down, I think about it and it lifts my spirits. Since it makes me so happy, I wanted to share it with you. The extra-wonderful thing about this sign is that since it exists, if there’s NOT one where ever else I go, that means I’m allowed to saw and spray paint at the same time.

Have a great weekend and happy renovating!