We had a great week at the beach last week. Here’s just a few pictures from the trip, which really don’t have anything to do with the actual beach, of course.

There’s a lot going on here. First, I didn’t know Stevie Nicks is a mermaid. Second, I hope her spine wasn’t too injured from what seems to be a terrible body-twisting accident and that the fluid build-up in her too-long left arm goes down. Third, someone please paint a more supportive shell bikini top on her. I’ve read most women don’t know their own correct bra size, obviously it’s not much different in the mermaid community.
Poor Mermaid Stevie, it sucks when you get saggy shells.
Yeah, she obviously grew out of them.
I swear to god I saw that carnival clown machine on a Twilight Zone episode in the 1970s. You had to put change in it…. FOREVER.
And in each of the eggs was another clown machine – it never ended.
Plus all those fish really seem to be checking her out in a kind of creepy way.
Yes, I noticed this, too. But it’s hard for me to look away, so I kind of understand where they’re coming from.
worse mermaid boobs ever.
I love Yellowdog as a dog name ever since Funny Farm (which I remember thinking was just a horrible movie).
It has it’s moments. “You know it, I know it, and Yellow Dog knows it!”
Add some tassels at the ends of those shells and you could put her in the middle of a party. Poor mermaid. And it is creepy that all the fishies seem to know her boobies are unsupported but instead of telling her they just stare.
The whole thing is very awkward.
It is really comforting to know that even magical mermaids suck at picking bras. I feel much better about myself..
Seriously, if mermaids can’t get it right, what chance do the rest of us have?
Dont give it your change! It’s how the world ends!
Then I’m glad I obeyed the sign!
Oh man. There is just too much in this post!
1. That clown creeps me out, big time. I think if you put coins in, it will steal your soul!
2. That mom is just über happy that she got her kid to dress up for mother/daughter swim day.
3. That mermaid is so wrong in so many ways! That “artist” did that poor girl a huge disservice with those nipple shells. Not ok!
Ah, maybe the souls are in the eggs! I really, really want to know what’s in those eggs.
Damn you for making me giggle like a horse or some other sort of barn creature. OMG I think I have mermaid boobs.
I hope you don’t have a matching twisted torso and bloated long-arm.
In the mother-daughter arm bands pic, are they wearing matching swimsuits?
It looks like it to me. That kid’s gonna have a very long childhood.
Poor Stevie mermaid has the old “tennis ball in a tube sock” thing going on.
This whole entry made me laugh out loud. Thank you!
Tennis ball in a tube sock – ha!