R.I.P. – A parking lot kind of looks like a funeral procession, anyway.
We went to Universal Studios today, and the parking lot has been turned into a touching tribute to fictional characters who have moved on to a better place. I didn’t even realize these guys had died:
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12 thoughts on “R.I.P. – A parking lot kind of looks like a funeral procession, anyway.”
Whatthewhattt? A parking garage is maybe NOT the ideal place to find out this sensitive information.
Now that you mention it, once inside the Studios, we ended up riding on a bunch of bikes to help E.T. get back to his home planet and save his friends. What an attention whore.
Whatthewhattt? A parking garage is maybe NOT the ideal place to find out this sensitive information.
I know! It cast a dark cloud over the whole day. Really, the whole day was literally cloudy.
They killed Spiderman, ET, and the cat all for parking lot fun? WTF!
I’m not sure how it happened…the other lots included King Kong and Jaws, who I already knew were dead. It was all a confusing and somber affair.
I refuse to believe that E.T. is dead. Remember what happened last time when everyone thought he was a goner? HE CAME BACK TO LIFE!
It’s probably just some lame attempt at attracting publicity.
ps. R.I.P. Spidey/The Cat
Now that you mention it, once inside the Studios, we ended up riding on a bunch of bikes to help E.T. get back to his home planet and save his friends. What an attention whore.
It looks like you guys are having fun!
We are, thanks!
Jesus! Way to turn the Happiest Fucking Place on Earth into a Fellini film. FAIL!
I know! At least we didn’t have to view the bodies.
Oh man! I never even got an invitation to the memorials. My kids are gonna be so bummed when they find out about the Cat. Sooo bummed.
Where can I send the flowers? Or should I send to a charity in lieu of?
I think a foundation has been set up for Thing 1 and Thing 2’s college funds.