I have some plastic bins from Ikea:

These bins have my most favorite warning stickers that I’ve actually seen in person:
Ikea is kind enough to show you why you shouldn’t put a baby in the bin if it isn’t small enough to completely fit inside – you can’t stack, which means you can’t maximize baby storage space.
Seriously though, how pissed would you be if you had a bunch of babies that needed stacking and you got the wrong size container??
Exactly. Luckily I didn’t need to stack any babies, or Ikea would have gotten a very angry letter from me.
Still, it might work for kittens or something. i notice there was no kitten warning.
Excellent point. I think I’ll donate some to my local rescue. They’re always saying they don’t have enough room for them all.
What if I punch holes in the sides? It may be the best chance I ever have for my architectural opus, Tower Of Babies.
As long as you get the right size container. Nothing like cleaning up the mess of a toppled tower of babies.
I think I saw a punk band called The Bin Babies at CBGBs in 1995. They were terrible, but they did warn me before they took the stage, they sucked.
HA! At least they were honest.
Damnit!! Well, at least I kept my receipts. I would have been really bummed if I was stuck with bins that wouldn’t fully contain all of my baby storage needs.
When you go to get your money back, be sure to explicitly state that you didn’t have any babies with you to test what size you may have needed.
I think the picture is trying to demonstrate that a baby won’t fit if you put it in legs and feet first. Try flipping it over, head first.
I guess it would depend on how well they kick, but that’s a good tip for people who have lost their receipts.
I’m just too literal for my own good…to me, that sign meant not to put babies with big HEADS in the container.
Yeah, it works either way. Big head, big body = no stacking.
Hee hee! I can only assume that sticker is for the same folks that need a reminder on the side of their Starbucks cups that the coffee is hot.
I think coffee cups need pictures on them about not splashing the contents on a baby.