Super Friends Season 2, Episode 12 – “The Lionmen” Part 1

Super Friends Season 2, Episode 12, Storyline C – “The Lionmen”

Original Airdate – November 19, 1977

This one is the third storyline of the episode, which means it is the bulk of the hour. Guess what? I don’t have my act together enough to do all of “The Lionmen” so rather than go two weeks without a Super Friends post, I’m splitting them up into parts 1 and 2. It is NOT because this one is particularly epic or has so much material to work with, it is because I do not have the attention span to finish it today. So, with that…

Introduction:  “Deep in space, in a distant galaxy, lies a strange, ominous planet where a frightening business agreement is being made.” – Narrator

Here, we see a round table of various aliens. Their ringleader (HA HA – you’ll get it once I mention he’s a lion) is a lion man. This lionman (named Lionex) is proposing that he will split up Earth into equal sections and each representative gets something they want:

Super Friends Planets and Products

Good luck with the distribution of the separate ice and water, bros.

The best part of this whole episode (three seconds in, so it was a hard twenty more minutes) was a cameo by the Plant Creatures from a previous episode.

Super Friends Plant Creature Meeting

It was so inspiring – they seem to have learned to speak perfect English instead of grunting all the time and have obviously taken some business classes and learned to read and write. I think we can all learn something from their drive and determination.

Just to be clear about Lionex’s plan, he’s a-literally a-gonna splita the whole a-planet into a-five pieces a-like a pizza pie, mamma mia!

Super Friends Pizza Planet

That means there’s shit everyone wants in every slice, which means there will have to be a bunch of swapping and negotiations like when a group has to pay one restaurant bill instead of just splitting it up into separate bills. But I’m not a fancy talking lion so what do I know.

“There is some form of lower intelligence. You can use them as slaves or eliminate them altogether. I believe they are called, ‘Earthlings.'” Lionex is ALL business, bitches.

 “Later, miles above the earth in a sophisticated space station.” – Narrator

Not one of those trashy space stations where it’s all cigarette butts and strippers.

The Lionmen take over the sophisticated space station to use it to dispense their “strata ray” to split the earth up.

A note on Lionmen culture and heritage.

We don’t learn much about the Lionmen and their life back on their home planet, but I did gather this little tidbit: the leader gets to have a glorious Tina Turner-like mane of hair:

Super Friends Lionex

And then the underlings get underling pageboys:

Super Friends Underling Pageboy

Something to aspire to, I guess.

The worst kept secret

Superman just happened to be flying in space when the distress call came through. But, Lionex has done his homework, he has prepared a Kryptonite force field which prevents Superman from boarding and screwing everything up from inside the space station.

Lionex starts the strata ray up and begins the process of making individual serving sizes of Earth.

Batman says they have to figure out a way to get on the space station and Aquaman exclaims, “And that calls for a super plan!” A super plan? Well then we’re all screwed.

Phase 1 of the “Super Plan”

Superman causes a distraction by repeatedly hitting the force field with an iron shield while Wonder Woman, Batman, and Robin sneak on board.

“Holy Circuses, lion men!” – Robin

“Suffering subdivisions!” – Robin, after overhearing their Earth splitting plan. Robin is on a roll.

And, in case you were wondering about the nitty gritty science behind splitting the Earth in to 5 bite-sized pieces, Batman breaks it down for us: “They’re shooting a harmless light beam through that huge gem lens, and the lens is creating the Earth-splitting ray.”

Super Friends Strata Ray

The Lion Men catch them casually milling around the gem like there’s no danger whatsoever and start trying to shoot them with freeze rays. Robin manages to get a sample of the lens and then they get out of there. That went surprisingly well.

Everyone meets back at the Hall of Justice and concludes that their superpowers are no match for the ray and the only option is to analyze the lens sample and then create like, I don’t know an antidote lens or something.

WILL they do whatever they think they’re going to do with that lens?

DOES Lionex have the power to rip the Earth apart?

WHO will screw up the most in the next phases of the plan? (Gleek)

DO you give a shit?

Until next week…

Prized Possessions Vol. 2 – Plastic Charm Necklaces

Who remembers those plastic chain-link necklaces from the 1980s? The ones you would get charms for from a vending machine to add to the necklace. If you’re my age and a girl you probably had one. You’d go back to the grocery or drug store, again and again, scratching yourself like a crackhead (probably from the plastic against your skin), holding a quarter, looking for your next fix – a charm in the shape of a frying pan, for example.  Then you’d add the charm to your necklace, more and more until you looked like Mr. T but instead of gold chains it was little plastic tennis rackets and lipstick and baby bottles and records.

The ones I had were sent to outgrown toy heaven by my mom at some point, but that has never deterred me. I just went to eBay and bought me some new ones several years ago.

Every single charm had a little bell on it, which means there would be no sneaking up on anyone when you were wearing them. And they came in every random item little girls loved!

Numbers 1

1. Tennis racket and little shoes 2. lipstick  3. rape whistle  4. PINK baby bottle for future teen moms of girls  5. something called a “record”  6. something called a “typewriter”  7. sunglasses  8. ping pong paddle  9. choo choo train  10. ballerina slipper  11. corn on the cob (of course)  12. a red football  13. a wrench for all the handygirls out there  14. a ball-peen hammer (forget that claw hammer bullshit – those are for boys!)  15. sausage (aww yeah)  16. uh, a half-eaten fish carcass  17.   an adorable turquoise ax for all the little Lizzie Bordens out there.

Numbers 2

1. toothpaste (as Crest tells me now with their commercials, a lady needs her some non-yellow teeth if she wants to attract a husband!)  2. little yellow lion  3. a heart – girls love hearts!  4. a PINK baseball and 5. PINK baseball bat  6. white elephant  7. a translucent aqua bulldog (probably created after unrelenting demand from 1980s kids)  8. football  9. the word “happy,” it’s just important to be reminded how to feel  10. a bathtub (no dirty girls!)  11. a BLUE baby bottle for future teen moms of boys 12. a comb for lice, I’m assuming 13. a horseshoe and….14. the things that little girls love the most in all the world.


A blue googly-eyed lady thing wearing a bra over a shirt with a misshapen left foot. SO RAD!

I think my favorite charm, which I don’t own, is the mutli-colored abacus. One day I’ll get my hands on one, and then I can finally do some math!

Who remembers these or had one?

Super Friends Season 2, Episode 12 – “Pressure Point”

Super Friends Season 2, Episode 12, Storyline B – “Pressure Point”

Original Airdate – November 19, 1977

Safety Segment

Aquaman, if you’re going to help some kid clean and adjust his roller skates, GET OUT OF THE FREAKIN’ WATER to do it.

Super Friends Water Help

Maybe he’s standing on the backs of a couple of catfish, but still – just get out of the water.

Synopsis: “A hot sun burns over the desert at Barren Hills, where a young motorcyclist may make his last jump.” – Narrator

We are then introduced to a bunch of svelt, attractive teenagers:

Super Friends Motors


Super Friends Jerry

Oh, that Jerry! He thinks he can make it up the same hill one of the other teens just conquered, but HE’S JERRY – of course he can’t! He tries anyway and everyone laughs at him.

I wonder if he was the inspiration for Parks and Recreation’s Jerry.

Anyway, their ridicule fuels Jerry to decide to try and jump Rattlesnake Ravine. What a doofus! One of the other teens alerts the Wonder Twins.

We are then treated to a stupid scene of Zan, Jayna, and Gleek ice skating. How do they afford all this recreation? Are they paid by the Justice League?

Back to Jerry the Jerk who thinks he can Jump.

“Don’t do it, Jerry!” cries one onlooking cool teen.

“You can kill yourself!” yells another in a more encouraging tone than I think was intended.

The Wonder Twins arrive just in time to find Jerry in mid-air plummeting to his death.

I know this will shock you, but I take issue with something in this episode.

Zan then throws himself down the ravine in water form, and then announces that he wants to become – “FORM OF, GELATIN DESSERT!”

Super Friends gelatin dessert

Unless Jayna became a horse and then they ground her up to make gelatin, I’m calling bullshit. Ice bridge? Ice crowbar? Ice cage? Fine, whatever, they’re made of ice. GELATIN is not a form of water. BOOOOOO BOOOOO, Super Friends.

Also, NO:


Jello  Gelatin dessert wiggles a little bit, it does not completely absorb the shock of a plummeting inept teenage motorcyclist.

But that’s not all, Jerry! Your humiliation continues!

Super Friends Poor Jerry

“That’s what I call a super scooper super scoop!” – Jayna, in the form of a giant pelican, who doesn’t understand the concept of shame.

If you would like to see these shenanigans for yourself, Season 2 is available on DVD.

Prized Possessions Vol 1. – ALF

As I unpack our boxes of crap, I get to uncover some of the treasures I’ve had hidden away for years because that’s how long we tried to sell our stupid last house. Many of these things just aren’t things that lend well to “staging” – the art of making your house look nothing like the house you live in.

Today’s entry, well, I think I’m kind of opening too big. I’m sure Survivor doesn’t play “Eye of the Tiger” as their first song in concert and I probably shouldn’t be presenting this masterpiece right off the bat, but it’s the thing that got unpacked first so there you go.

About eight years ago Tom, our friend Dave, and I (and I think my sister was there too but I’m not 100% sure) went to the old Lakewood Flea Market in Atlanta. One of the many types of booths or dealers you find at flea markets are toy/pop culture dealers. They’ve got things like old Batman dolls and character glasses you could find at McDonald’s (also known as Carrie and Tom’s Fine China):


You know, important stuff.

As I was looking at the uber-expensive toys from the 70s and 80s, I glanced over and saw this wonder:

This isn't a very good picture. I would say it doesn't do it justice, but...
This isn’t a very good picture. I would say it doesn’t do it justice, but…

That’s an ALF planter/vase. A homemade** ALF planter. On the bottom it’s signed “Joanne.” Joanne loved ALF so much that she created this perfect work of art to immortalize her affinity for the cat eating, wise-cracking, furry alien from the 1980s sitcom of the same name (ALF). She painted it, glazed it, baked it, and then took it home and admired it until she presumably didn’t like ALF anymore and then somehow it ended up at a flea market, waiting for someone else to love it as much as Joanne originally did.*

It was ten dollars, and I had ten dollars.

I haven’t quite decided where I’m going to put him, yet, but it will be a place of prominence and honor. I need to really lay the groundwork for presenting him as a priceless heirloom for future generations to fight over once I’m gone. I think I’ll start saying it brings good luck, maybe randomly leaving money in it for people to find. Or I’ll tell them that a President sent it to me after I wrote him suggesting some policy changes that nobody had thought of before. I WILL NOT LET ALF PLANTER SUFFER THE SAME FATE AS HIS TENURE WITH JOANNE.

Come to think of it, there’s a lot of stuff I own that I’m going to have to work really hard at grafting value onto so that all of my treasures don’t become Joanned – that’s right, it’s a verb now.

More of those to come.

*all speculation

**I think it’s a pre-made figurine that’s been incorporated into a larger piece. Yes, I tried to research it.

UPDATE: Robin, who is an infinitely better googler than me (because she actually looked at the web results and not just the image results) has FOUND ANOTHER! It’s like the Leia to my Luke! So now we know there are at least two in existence. I don’t know what to do with this information but there it is. Unfortunately the discussion doesn’t mention a signature on the bottom so I don’t know if I’ve invented this Joanne to be mad at or if that’s the name of a company.

Super Friends Season 2, Episode 12 – “Forbidden Power”

Super Friends Season 2, Episode 12, Storyline A – “Forbidden Power”

Original Airdate – November 19, 1977

Synopsis: “High atop a mountain stands the observatory of Professor Zarkoff (my spelling guess), who has just stumbled upon an amaaazing secret!” – Narrator

First of all, Professor Zakoff has what looks to be five albino leeches on his face:

Super Friends Zakoff

Maybe they’re for some other experiment that isn’t relevant to this plot.

THIS plot is about a “projectile” Professor Z has been studying. It looks like a really uncomfortable sex toy to me:

Super Friends no more please

I’ll let the PZ explain: “The projectile is from a giant space vehicle. The message on it asks for help! A computerized device known as ‘The Power’ once regulated the giant space vehicle’s entire environment and population. Something went wrong, and The Power turned it’s energies against it’s artificial world.”

If you say so.

Wait, there’s more! He tells his assistant to look through the “neutron telescope” and lo and behold, it’s that giant space vehicle he won’t shut up about! It looks like a cave drawing of the Death Star:

Super Friends Death Star

PZ blathers on about how a whole civilization and environment was once in there but now there’s nothing left. Assistant says they need to notify the scientific community and we all know what that means – overly confidant defiant power hungry professor!

“With my teleport device, I will journey into the space vehicle and find….THE POWER!” and then blah blah about how it can ultimately help Earth.

But hold up, he just casually throws it out there that he has a teleport device, like it’s as common as a keychain or bell bottoms. Maybe the albino leeches have something to do with his ability to teleport? Or thinking that he can?

Anyway, PZ makes his assistant come with him, they “go missing,” and the Super Friends are alerted.

“Holy Whereabouts, we better check it out!” – Robin (actual quote)

“According to the mini bat computer, this teleporter has been activated.” – Batman, at the professor’s lab trying to find out where he went.

Even Batman is unfazed by this teleporter, and he doesn’t even have a Bat Teleporter, which he would totally have if they were readily available.

Batman, Robin, and Wonder Woman mozy on up to the Shmeath Star, where there must not have been much oxygen because the animators couldn’t draw very good:

Super Friends Bad Animation

Then, something wonderful happens. While they’re investigating some mysterious footprints:


Aside from Robin getting pinched, it also looks like perhaps Batman got the vapors. But, you would too if this thing grabbed your boy wonder:

Super Friends Rat Lobster

I don’t know what to call this thing but it really does look unpleasant.

The Lobrat lives in a cave and takes Robin there. Batman and Wonder Woman manage to pry him loose and chase away the misunderstood rat-lobster abomination with “Bat Animal Repellent Spray,” which apparently doesn’t exclusively work on bats. They find the Professor and his assistant there as well.

And that was enough to learn a lesson and they all went home.

Of course not, you sillies. PZ doesn’t want to leave yet. He found an “electronic map” that will lead him to The Power (do you think that’s what this song is about?). He then somehow causes a cave in so that the others are trapped and he can find The Power.

PZ presses a button on his electronic map and a recording explains that The Power is “evil,” and so unsafe, they buried it so that it could not harm the world with it’s wrath any longer.

And by “buried,” it looks like about as deep as a cat buries a turd.

Super Friends The Power

Way to hide the evil thing that must never be unearthed, alien race.

It’s gettin’, it’s gettin’, it’s gettin’ kind of hectic.

Unearthing The Power brings these guys out of the wood, or stonework. They look like some common ancestor split off and evolved the Oompa Loompas down one line and then these guys down the other. Evolution is truly amazing.

Super Friends Blue and Green

They speak English, by the way. They say that because he uncovered The Power, he must pay.

Super Friend Lava Payback

A nice, traditional choice. Gets the point across but is also comforting, like a scalding hot bowl of soup.

As Robin, Batman, Wonder Woman, and the assistant look on quietly, Batman says he has a plan. Oh, boy. Yay. A Batman plan. Let me guess – everyone runs out there and they all randomly hope it works out.

Yeah, the big plan is that Batman runs out, cuts PZ loose, and then Wonder Woman lassos the green people. I just think if you’re going to proclaim you have a plan, it should be more impressive than that. Like, if they rode in on a trio of Lobrats – that would be a plan.

Finally, finally, The Professor has learned his lesson. Mutant awful lobster-rat monster takes you prisoner to eat later = no lesson learned. Mutant, reasonable bipedal beings dispensing justice via lava = leason learned. Good to know.

If you would like to see these shenanigans for yourself, Season 2 is available on DVD.