Andrea over at About 100% was nice enough to pick me as one of three bloggers she’d like to learn three things about. It involves a giant number three, sharing three things about yourself, and then picking three bloggers you’d also like to learn three things about. I’m saying three a lot.
1. Last night I dreamed I had a live chicken stuck in my hair, and while someone was trying to get its feet un-tangled from my ponytail, I thought to myself, “Well, at least I can blog about it tomorrow.” Then I woke up and decided to blog about it anyway even though that’s much less interesting than if I had actually gotten a chicken stuck in my hair.

2. I consider the fact that I both washed some sheets and left the house to buy bread today an astounding achievement. I wrote that previous sentence before I had actually left the house to buy bread, so my confidence is at an all-time high.
3. My dad used to add a half an hour to every hour-plus trip and 15 minutes to every half hour trip so as to reduce the amount of complaining towards the “end” of the trip. I would even make two 90 minute mix tapes to cover the “three hour trip” to grandma’s house. When we always arrived before I had heard all of both tapes, I chalked it up to extra tape in the cassette. I trusted what my dad told me so much I didn’t figure out this scheme until I actually had to drive one of the routes myself in college.
Here’s three bloggers for you to check out and maybe we’ll learn three things about them on their blogs (or, really, you can learn three things about them by just visiting their blogs):
1. Craftwhack: Jeanette writes about a lot of things and is very funny. Most importantly, she’s willing to take pictures of her adorable child being sad at the taste of her homemade fruit treats and given me express permission to laugh and laugh at her sad child.
2. The Reedster Speaks: Cindy started her blog in December, and she is a very funny lady. She’s also a lot of fun on Twitter, too. And, she regularly gives me Klout in Superman and Barry White and I try to up her influence in Salad.
3. Misty’s Laws: Misty is great. She’s been shown a lot of love lately with blog posts devoted to her wonderfulness, and she was even recently inducted into the League of Funny Bitches. This is all well-deserved as she is indeed funny, and also a very supportive, friendly blogger.