As you may already know, I like to look through old catalogs on I genuinely like doing it, so please don’t comfort yourself by thinking that I look at them so I can make fun of them later. That’s just a bonus.
This weekend, my catalog of choice was the 1975 Sears Catalog. It was a good year for catalogs. The plaids, mustard yellows, burnt oranges, and avocado greens were plentiful and the bottoms were belled. Here’s what I found:

Finally, I was really surprised when I fake turned the page and saw world-famous 1970’s-early 80s supermodel Corduroy featured on the pages.
What he was doing in the Sears catalog, and how they could have afforded him is a mystery. As we all know, he quickly shot to fame and was on the cover of dozens of high-profile magazines.
Until, of course his untimely death – brought down by the excesses of being a famous one-name 1970s supermodel.
R.I.P. Corduroy.
That guy in the green in the background of Corduroy’s picture has quite the leer going. Something tells me he’s a regular at the Eyes Wide Shut parties.
That or he’s looking away from the glory of Corduroy.
From the two girls expressions, they’ve definitely drank the Corduroy kool-aid.
Damn you, Corduroy!!!!
He was a powerfully charismatic man.
How on earth did you find that rare and elusive Sports Illustrated cover of Corduroy? You must have paid a collector big buckeroonies!!
Also, this is eery, because I swear that girl holding the cookie jar is my doppleganger, circa 1979. Either that or I practiced in time travelling as a young girl with no memory of the occurance. I blame Corduroy.
There may have been memory wiping serum in the cookies. Or, you saw Corduroy and your young eyes couldn’t handle his splendor, so you blacked out the memory.
Oh gawd! This is obviously because of my sick and twisted mind, but when I first read that, I saw “memory wiping semen” and was like EWWWW. Maybe that means Corduroy WAS there! 🙂
AHHHHHH! Misty, you have magically managed to make this entire situation more horribly creepy. Congrats!
I think it’s a fitting tribute to Corduroy.
Is it wrong that I saved that photo of 70’s man in the coffin. I don’t know why. . .I just want it.
Not at all. I did this entire post because I wanted to MAKE a picture of him in a coffin.
Ahahahaha! Eyes Wide Shut parties! Way to make it even weirder and creepier.
That’s what I’m here for!
I can’t wait to go to bed and have some dreams tonight about your post.
I hope no creepy masked children are involved.
I liked wearing courdoroy as a kid because you could make designs in your pants when you were bored in school….plus you could make that swoosh noise when you walked to annoy your teachers.
70s moustache defined male sexuality, didn’t it?
I used to do the same thing with my corduroys when I was bored in school, which was pretty much all the time.
I am OBSESSED with vintage catalogs! Especially the Sears ads where they refer to slightly bigger girls as “chubbies”.
Corduroy just made my day. Maybe my life, even.
You find the best 70s pictures! Now I have to try and find some “chubbies.”
Corduroy touched many people’s lives (bodies).
When I saw that picture of the two little girls, my first reaction was, “Dear God. What did they do to POOH!” Glad to know it creeped you out as well.
The E! True Hollywood Story about Corduroy was an eye-opener. Apparently lycra is a gate-way fabric. Who knew?
Ha! Denim->Lycra->Polyester->Corduroy.
I use to live for the Sears catalog. I was so jealous of the models, wrongly believing that they got to keep all of the beautiful clothes they wore and toys they posed with. haha! (Yes, I was deprived.)
Well, I know Corduroy got to keep all his clothes, it was in his contract. I loved the Wish Book, it was an annual obsession.