Technically, I’m a geek. Nerds do well in school. However, the candy called Nerds exists. I love Nerds. Especially the little boxes you get around Halloween. Probably because it reminds me of Halloween.

Whenever I eat Nerds, my husband points at me and calls me a cannibal. He does the same when I eat shrimp, as I am short. The title Cannibalistic Nerd got in my head and I couldn’t shake it, and thought it sounded better than Cannibalistic Shrimp, and was a better description for me and what I’d probably write about.
And isn’t that kind of what nerds and geeks do? Obsess over what we like and devour it over and over again? And the line between you and the things you like gets blurrier and blurrier, etc.? No? Fine, I’m sticking with the name, though.
In reading up on starting a blog, one of the things is that you’re supposed to have a niche. I actually do have a niche blog – one of the nichiest blogs one could hope for.
I’m thinking, I can go more niche – maybe a blog of nothing but pictures of straw wrappers I compulsively knot when at restaurants.

Or, I can go broad. So, I’m going broad.
NERD GIRLS UNITE! And now I need to go write about silly compulsive things I do.
I’d love to hear about them, it makes me feel normal. I’ve been knotting straw wrappers forever. I told my husband I mentioned it in a blog post and he said “You do?” Only the hundreds of times we’ve gone somewhere with straw wrappers.
Um. And the sweets.
I think the ones I had as a child had two different flavours in separate sections of box, so it was like getting twice as many sweets for the one product.
…. I fall for stuff like that.
I followed you over from Hi 🙂
Oh, they still sell the double sided Nerds! I like those the best. The flavors are nice and segregated. The ones where they’re all mixed together is a little too much anarchy for me.
Okay, WHAT is with the folded straws??? I only ask because they remind me of my dear husband who leaves a trail of neatly knotted cliff bar wrappers everywhere he goes – like he’s a rabbit that poops knotted cliff bar wrappers. I do not understand this. My best theory is that he thinks that by making them “fancy” they’re no longer trash and he doesn’t need to throw them away. Please help me understand.
Like little Cliff Bar bowties? That is fancy, indeed. I do it because it’s a compulsive habit. Empty straw wrappers are like snake skins, all wild and empty. A neatly folded, knotted straw wrapper is 1. something to do while listening to other people talk and 2. makes the world of the table scape a little more ordered. But I DO throw away wrappers at home. For the most part. And I don’t knot them.
I love this blog name, and it makes perfect sense to me.
Thanks! I decided to not eat it and replace it with another name.
I’ve had many deep discussions on the difference between nerds and geeks, and I’ve concluded that I have the honor/curse of being both.
Oh, it’s not a curse! I wish I was more nerdy, I’m terrible at math.
I wish I’d thought of that – I’m a nerd too, and love nerds far too much.
I also wish I’d thought to read-up on starting a blog before I recently did it, but I’ll learn as I go, I’m sure.
Yeah, it’s information overload. I like to feel prepared but I feel I learn best as I go – it’s a weird contradiction.
This is great! I LOVE nerds. But even more than that, I love pixie Sticks. In fact, I used to buy those big balls that were like giant sweet-tarts, and then I’d get a butter knife and shave them into a powder. THATS how much I love tangy sugar stuff.
Man, I was a weird teenager.
HA! How resourceful of you, I bet it saved you money. I also loved pixie stix – purple is my fave.
*gasp*! I always tie my straw wrappers in knots! But then I force my superstitions on others by making them take one end akin to a wishbone. For the record, I win 9 times out of 10 because I have mastered an obnoxiously practiced flick of the wrist. All that said, I’m a total geek. Probably a bit of an attention whore too….. But mostly, I’m pleased as punch I found you through The Cowardly Feminist! *squeal of delight* 🙂
Awesome, I love Vesta, she’s great. Welcome! And it is always a relief to meet fellow straw wrapper knotters. 🙂
I love the name! Nerds and geeks rule.