You know that scene in Alien where the little chestburster explodes from John Hurt’s chest, makes a little baby cry noise and then scurries off to grow to be a big strong man destroying monster?

That’s going to happen in me some time in November except instead of an alien it will be a human (hopefully) baby girl and she’ll be emerging south of my chest. And also I’m hoping I’m alive afterward and also that those in the room aren’t whimpering “Oh my God…” and covered in blood. You know, in a BAD way.
This is one of the reasons I haven’t been as active on my blog – I’m tired. I’m thinking that perhaps my child is feeding upon my sarcasm and smart assery and absorbing it into herself which I suppose will both delight and horrify me as she grows up. Anyway, she’s not leaving much for me to work with. But this is also a bit of a cop out because I’ve been lazy since before I was pregnant.
I would also say that I’ve been busy spending a lot of time preparing for this baby but I haven’t even re-watched Mr. Mom ONCE since I found out I was pregnant. I gotta get my act together.
So that’s my big news. I hope to be back at Super Friends and other posts this week/next week if the baby can spare an ounce or two of motivation and energy.
WOW! That is big! Congratulations! That is awesome news! Does this mean that this is going to become a mommy blog now? You could call it Cannibalistic Mom. Wait, that’s probably not a good idea. Anyways, congrats again!
P.S. Is Jayna in the running as a potential name?
I’ve already gotten a jovial threat of calling social services should I give birth to a nerd, which is likely.
SO many names from Super Friends – Jayna Palagian Rima Aquaman Wonder Dog is the top choice.
Awesome wonderful fantastic news!!!! The world needs more sarcastic women!
Thanks. Hopefully there’s enough room in the house for all the additional sarcasm.
Congratulations! As soon as I saw mention I thought back to the #2 item on your 10th wedding anniversary post and wondered if you, like me, had a “if I’m going to have a baby at all I guess it might as well be now” sort of moment. π
I fell asleep on the couch every night about 7 pm during my first trimester. During the second one I had decent energy. By the end of the third one I was sleeping sitting upright due to acid reflux and having milkshakes for dinner because I COULD. But that was just me and since I hate any kind of unsolicited advice, I’m not going to shell out any now.
It was definitely partly a running out of time issue. I guess that’s kind of the good thing of running out of time – it forces the issues with wishy washy types.
CONGRATS! Now you and 10,395 other people that I know are all pregnant! (Okay. I don’t know even 1 percent that amount of people, but whatever.) CONGRATS!
Thanks, Abby. I wonder if there’s some sort of mini baby boom going on. Maybe people needed something to do while Breaking Bad was on hiatus.
Wow, congratulations!
Oh, well THIS is very exciting! I am very much looking forward to sarcastic baby blog posts.
And just think, you’ve already got this parenting thing DOWN. You know all the good advice! Just watch all the Superfriends episodes where they give terrible advice, and do the opposite. Total win!
The most important thing to me as a parent is to ensure that my child can outrun a bear even if they haven’t had breakfast.
Congratulations! How wonderful! I have no clever comments for hearing about a pregnancy, mainly because I love babies and am so happy to hear when other people are pregnant knowing that I am not. π
Warm thoughts for a healthy few more months, and I hope you get your energy back soon!
Thanks, Andrea!
Congratulations! It is now your sworn duty to find a source of gamma rays or radioactive spiders or something to be sure you have a little baby Superfriend.
Tom has mentioned this several times. I’m worried he’s going to toss a toaster in the shower with me in a misguided attempt at creating a superhero.
Well, good news. It’s nice to see a happy reason for someone slowing down on posts. Congratulations to you and your partner. I wish you good health and easy travels the rest of your pregnancy.
Thanks, Von!
Awwwww…Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!
Thanks, Thoughtsy.
Congrats! How exciting. So very happy for you!!
Congratulations! That’s SUPER news (ba dum bump)!
Totally get the pregnancy brain thing though. I was pregnant during grad school, and frankly I’m shocked I passed, much less graduated. We’ll be here when you get back.
I don’t know how people can do school or work. I happen to not have a job right now and that’s probably best for the world in general.
Carrie!!! This is such wonderful news! I am so very happy for you. When you commented on Thoughtsy’s post about all of your troubles recently, my heart just broke for you. For both of you, really. And now . . . what amazingly wonderful news!! Really, I am overjoyed for you. I won’t even think of mentioning that if you think THIS is tired, you have no idea. Nope, wouldn’t dream of bringing that up! π But, I’m sure being a zombie will be totally worth it to have a beautiful baby girl! I can’t wait to “meet” her!!! π
Yeah, I’m not sure which I would truly choose – tired because there’s something inside me or tired because it came out. Of course towards the end of the pregnancy I know I’ll want her out!
*sarcasm removed in honor of this auspicious announcement*
Thanks, Guap.
Wow. And sarcastic children are the best. And by best, I mean if you like to cry behind closed bathroom doors.
Not that my kid does this, of course.
I’ll need to invest in burping cloths and crying towels.
Also, you are now instantly a mommy blogger, no matter what you write about.
Apparently. I’ve noticed that as well.